What is your artwork or performance called? *
Towards the subsequently Expanded
What is the proposition of the artwork and what do you intend an audience to experience?
Towards the subsequently expanded is a audio-visual live performance relying on mostly classic or vintage music equipment. The core of the performance ist the confrontation of the performer with an unfamiliar user interface and and the instrument with a unfamiliar approach. And the representation of such antibehaviour in social media networks and video sharing enterprises. For this cause the performance operates with live camera as well as grabbing material from such platforms. Which also allows the audience to participate with their own accounts on these media channels.
The performance generates a narrative through all these means, embracing especially the unforeseen and „unfortunate“ incidents which normally would count as Failures in the context of the market logic following structures of social media. The Audience on -site is left to decide if those incidents are mistakes or part of the show production, whereas the second rate audience online is left with only abstract and cryptical material, to decide over if it is highly avantgarde electronic music or failure in reaching the communities standards. (gekürzt in der abgabe)
How does your artwork respond to the call-out provocation for TF18, "Fractured Bodies"
One one hand the body of sound created has a fractured character, foremost through not syncing the used instruments with the common technologies, but instead giving room for abstract polymetric rhythmic transgressions. On the other hand the virtual body of the performance examines specific phenomenological concerns through noise as a possibility of contemporary art around failure, risk and rejection. Clearly stating the fractured state of virtual bodies.
Why do you want to be featured at Tempting Failure? *
Tempting Failure represents a range of practices of under-represented art, in which i am highly interested in . Through connecting with local and international artists working in these field I hope to challenge my preconceptions for creating future art and sonic expressions.